Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year

Well, it is nice to finish out the year with a photo of a finished object (there are still projects in the wings, but hey, let's celebrate the small victories!). Only one sock is showing here as this photo was taken at the airport in Houston on our way home from a week on a cruise. My niece Jennifer is the recipient (and Harry Potter fanatic) and she is modelling and displaying the sock here for out viewing pleasure. The first sock is packed somewhere in her bags as she actually received it on time - Christmas day... What can I say? We were all laughing at the fact that this, the second sock, was begun the night before the flight left for our vacation and was unaccountably narrower than its fraternal twin. Could it be that the stress of vacation messed with my tension just a little??? In fact, our trip down was harrowing and exhausting - delays at every step of the journey. Not surprising that the tension shifted. A perfectionist would have frogged the whole thing and started again. However this sometime perfectionist had to get the socks finished before we came home, and they will both still go on her feet.

So pleased to report that Jennifer, along with her sister Kirsten and Stewart participated in the Harry Potter trivia quiz aboard ship. After correcting the judge on his pronunciation of J.K. Rowling's name, and asking for clarification as to whether he was referring to the British or the American version of the film of book one, HP and the Philosopher's Stone, it became rather obvious who was a front runner to win - and indeed they did win, missing only one question, and that by only a small error! Yes, these socks knew who they were destined for - the greatest HP geek on the planet. So a little Weasley error like differing tension on the two socks is no big deal. :)

Happy New Year!

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